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在五六十年代,人民日报上经常刊登记者写的通讯,其中不乏精彩之作。像李庄写的一系列朝鲜战地通讯,纪希晨写的旅行通讯《从宝鸡到成都》,田流写的人物通讯《金星奖章获得者——任国栋》,陈勇进写的地方通讯《在白山黑水间》,引人入胜,都曾在读者中产生过轰动效应。当时胡乔木对人民日报上的通讯很感兴趣,他说“我大部分是要读的。”正因为如此,他在颐园的报纸评读会上,或是在同新闻工作者谈话的时候,经常提到通讯的问题,他说“通讯这种文体不可缺,那种概括性强,鸟瞰式的通讯, In the fifties and sixties, People’s Daily published newsletters often written by journalists, many of whom made wonderful contributions. Like Li Zhuang wrote a series of Korean field communications, Ji Xichen’s travel newsletter “From Baoji to Chengdu,” Tian wrote “Golden Star Medalist Ren Guodong,” a local newsletter written by Chen Yong, “Between the White Mountains and the Black Sea” , Fascinating, have had a sensational effect in the reader. Hu Qiaomu, meanwhile, was very much interested in the newsletter of the People’s Daily. He said, “Most of my books are to be read.” Because of this, when he was in a newspaper review conference in Yiyuan, or when he was talking to a journalist , Often mentioned the issue of communications, he said, "This style of communication is essential, the kind of broad, bird’s eye view of communication,