A distributed cooperative guidance law for salvo attack of multiple anti-ship missiles

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjc0208
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The consensus problem of impact time is addressed for multiple anti-ship missiles. A new distributed cooperative guidance law with the form of biased proportional navigation guidance(BPNG) is presented. The proposed guidance law employs the available measurements of relative impact time error as the feedback information to achieve the consensus of impact time among missiles and, by exploiting the special structure of the biased cooperative control term, it can handle the seeker’s field-of-view(FOV) constraint. The proposed scheme ensures convergence to consensus of impact time under either fixed or switching sensing/communication network, and the topological requirements are less restrictive than those in the existing results. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law. The consensus problem of impact time is addressed for multiple anti-ship missiles. A new distributed cooperative guidance law with the form of biased proportional navigation guidance (BPNG) is presented. feedback information to achieve the consensus of impact time among missiles and, by exploiting the special structure of the biased cooperative control term, it can handle the seeker’s field-of-view (FOV) constraint. The proposed scheme ensures convergence to consensus of impact time under either fixed or switching sensing / communication network, and the topological requirements are less restrictive than those in the existing results.
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