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所谓运筹学,就是研究运行机制、筹划谋略的科学。谋略的涵义,不单是指军事上两兵相接的战略战术,它已渗透到社会生活的方方面面。从国家政权的安危到市场商海的成败,从国际风云的变幻到宇宙飞船的航迹,从一项规划的实现到人际间的交往,无不闪烁运筹学的光彩。难怪有人下了这样一个定义:在信息社会里,运筹学便是大脑的风暴。春秋战国时期,由于战争的发展,骑兵队伍日益壮大,赛马活动很流行。赛马规则是将马分成上中下三等,三局定输赢。当时齐国大将田忌经常同齐威王赛马,但输多胜少。一次,孙膑见田忌的马同齐威王的马足力相差不大,便给田忌出了个主意,用下等马对威王的上等马,用上等马对威王的中等马,用中等马对威王的下等马,结果田忌一负二胜,赢了威王。这个以劣胜优的典故,便是运筹学的实际运用,同时也说明我国古人就懂得了运筹学的妙法。回望沧桑古道,多少英雄身在帷幄,因脑中灵光一现,陡出奇谋而问鼎盛世,以至万古流芳;有多少俊彦兵戈相向,因一着失算,错失良机而难酬壮志,因之长歌当哭;又有多少政治家、军事家、经济学家 The so-called Operations Research, is to study the operation mechanism, planning science strategy. The meaning of strategy means not only the strategic and tactical links between the two armed forces in the military but also the penetration into all aspects of social life. From the safety of the state power to the success of the market in the market, from the changes in the international situation to the spacecraft 's flight path, from the realization of a plan to the interpersonal interaction, all glittering operational research glorious. No wonder some people under such a definition: in the information society, OR is the brain storm. Spring and Autumn Period, due to the development of the war, cavalry teams growing, horse racing is very popular. Horse racing rules are divided into three horses on the middle and lower thirds set winning. At that time Qi general Guo Tian Qi Ji Wei Wang often race, but lose more wins less. Once, Sun 膑 see Tianji horse with Qi Wei Wang Ma Zuoli little difference, they gave Tian Ji out of an idea, with the next horse on the king's first-class horse, with a horse on the Wei Wang's medium horse, with medium Ma on Wei Wang's next horse, the results of Tian Ji negative a second victory, won the King of Wei. This allusion to inferior wins is the practical application of operations research, but also shows that the ancients in our country have learned the magic of operations research. Looking back to the vicissitudes of life, how many heroes are in vain, because of the brain of a flash of light, steep out of wonders and flourishing, as well as Liulianfang; how much Toshihito Bingge opposite, due to a miscalculation, missed the opportunity to reward hardship because of the long Song to cry; how many politicians, military strategists, economists
郭道庆,一个普通的团级单位政治处主任,在沈阳军区联勤部系统,熟悉他的人都说他:“这人,不写稿难受。” 23年前,他从湖北农村刚入伍时,领导见他聪明、机灵,想安排他当汽车兵,不想面对众
目的:探讨呼吸内科重症患者的护理方法 及应用效果.方法:选取2014年10月-2015年10月于我院接受治疗的呼吸内科重症患者共80例,随机分为对照组与观察组各40例,其中对照组采取