世纪伟业 造福千秋——长江三峡工程宣传教育材料

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世纪伟业造福千秋———长江三峡工程宣传教育材料□刘荣波长江三峡工程自1993年开始全面准备、1994年12月14日正式开工以来,已近五年。五年来,世界瞩目,全国关注,前来考察参观、洽谈交流、新闻采访的各界人士络绎不绝。五年来,三峡工程进展顺利,昔日的... Century Albert for the Benefit of the Past --- Propaganda and Education Materials of the Three Gorges Project □ Liu Rongbo The Yangtze River Three Gorges Project has been fully prepared since 1993 and has been in operation for nearly five years since its official commencement on December 14, 1994. Over the past five years, people all over the world have been paying attention to the world attention, coming to visit, negotiating and exchanging news and interviewing. Over the past five years, the Three Gorges Project is progressing smoothly, the former ...
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老师刚刚宣布放暑假,班里一下子就沸腾起来。“放假喽,放假喽……”同学们在喊,在笑。明明背起书包,拉着铁哥们儿耗子一溜烟儿跑出校门。  耗子,林广浩也。“耗子,我知道一个网吧,那儿收费特便宜。我们去那儿玩游戏,刷夜吧,怎么样?多带劲呀!要不,我们约上网友出游,去玩真的‘跑跑卡丁车’,比比谁的胆子大!”  “我愿意在家宅,那多好,多舒服啊!”林广浩真是想回家,他对网络游戏没啥兴趣。妈妈早早给他报了新东