
来源 :中国农村小康科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyyypolo
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据报道:山东省莱州市前小村的农民李德龙,87年的时候,他承包了25亩土地。起初,他一直恪守“有收无收在于水,收多收少在于肥”的古训。种地时总是大把大把往地里扬撤化肥,可粮食产量却一直也不高,小麦亩产徘徊在250公斤左右,玉米亩产在300公斤上下打转。后来,在科技人员的指导下,他在3亩土地上,一半搞小麦测土配方施肥,一半搞玉米配方施肥试验,同样的管理,收获却大不样,小麦平均亩产502公斤,玉米单产515公斤。同一块土地,不同的施肥方法却出现了截然不同的结果,“大把撒’变成“巧配方”既节省了大量土 It is reported that Li Delong, a farmer in Qiancun Village, Laizhou City, Shandong Province, contracted 25 acres of land 87 years ago. At first, he always abided by the old saying that “there is no income but no income but more income due to water.” When farming is always a lot to Yangli withdraw fertilizer, grain production has been not high, wheat yield hovers around 250 kilograms, corn yield 300 kilograms in the spin down. Later, under the guidance of scientific and technical personnel, he was engaged in soil testing and fertilization on half a dozen of the 3 mu of land. Half of the trials involved fertilizing the corn with the same formula. The same management and harvesting resulted in an average yield of 502 kilograms of wheat and a yield of corn 515 kilograms. The same land, different methods of fertilization have emerged completely different results, “a lot of sprinkle into” clever formula "save a lot of soil
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