强化林权管理 守住林地红线

来源 :宁夏林业通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yohoban
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全国林地林权管理工作会议在北京召开,这是新中国成立以来林业系统第一次专门就林地林权管理工作召开全国性会议。国家林业局局长赵树丛强调,林地是林业的根基,是林业发展的命根子,必须从战略高度全面提高对加强林地林权管理工作重要性的认识,不断强化责任意识,全面提升管理水平,坚决守住林地红线,为实现“双增”目标提供可靠保障。森林是人类的摇篮,人类从森林中走来。增加森林资源,发展绿色经济,实现绿色增长,已经成为国际社会应对生态危机和经济危机的广泛共识。我国森林面积和森林蓄积量连续 The national forest land rights management conference was held in Beijing. This is the first time that the forestry system has held a national conference on the management of forestland tenure rights since the founding of new China. Zhao Shugong, director of the State Forestry Administration, stressed that forestland is the foundation of forestry and the lifeblood of forestry development. It is necessary to raise awareness of the importance of forestland property rights management in an all-round way from a strategic perspective, continuously strengthen the sense of responsibility and comprehensively improve the management level. Hold the red line of the woodland, in order to achieve “double increase ” goal provide reliable guarantee. The forest is the cradle of humanity, and humans come from the forest. Increasing forest resources, developing a green economy and achieving green growth have become the broad consensus of the international community on ecological and economic crises. China’s forest area and forest stock volume continuously
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