Free Press:Watchdog Not Lapdog

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The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislative body, has for the second time deliberated on the new version of the Emergency Response Law. The new version deletes the provision under which news media are barred from reporting on emergencies or releasing information concerning emergency events without authorization from relevant authorities. The amended version of this law gives more credence to public opinion, and the growing role of Chinese citizens in legislation is widely acclaimed as a more democratic approach by the government. China’s renowned legal professor, Cai Dingjian, Director of the Constitutionalism Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law, recently commented on the decision to amend this law and on the social effect of mass media. In an interview with The Economic Observer, a leading Chinese business weekly, Cai said that China’s steady social transformation demands a free and responsible press in order to secure democratic rights for the people. Excerpts: The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislative body, has for the second time deliberated on the new version of the Emergency Response Law. The new version deletes the provision under which news media are barred from presenting on emerging pathogens. emergency events without authorization from relevant authorities. The amended version of this law gives more credence to public opinion, and the growing role of Chinese citizens in legislation is widely acclaimed as a more democratic approach by the government. China’s renowned legal professor, Cai Dingjian, Director of the Constitutionalism Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law, recently commented on the decision to amend this law and on the social effect of mass media. In an interview with The Economic Observer, a leading Chinese business weekly, Cai said that China’s steady social transformation demands a free and responsible press in order to sec ure democratic rights for the people. Excerpts:
1992年,发展经济学的先驱人物张培刚先生在《新发展经济学》中提出了改造和革新发展经济学的途径,强调要“注重对发展中大国的研究”. 发展中大国是指人口众多、幅员辽阔、资
2017年诺贝尔经济学奖授予了美国金融学家理查德·塞勒(Richard Thaler).作为行为金融学的理论先驱,塞勒教授揭示了作为经济行为和决策主体的投资者并非完全理性.同时,市场并
[摘要]习语是某一语言在使用过程中形成的独特的固定的表达方式。本文通过探讨英汉习语的不同以及中西文化的差异,提出几种有效翻译的方法,旨在保持原文内容的基础上达到清晰,易解的目的。  [关键词]习语 语言文化 翻译    习语是指在一种语言的漫长演变中形成的特有的、固定的表达方式。每种语言都包含了十分丰富的习语,它们具备强烈的民族、历史和地域特征。从广义来看,习语包括固定短语、谚语、通常用语、谜语和
In this paper, the sematics of a paraconsistent logic and its nonmonotonic extension by minimal inconsistency are presented first. And then signed tableaux fo