【借鉴与提示】 记叙文当以情动人,而表达情意的常见方式除直接抒情外,更广泛使用的是融情于述,即在叙述中倾注、融会作者丰富而深挚的感情,从而使读者得以感染,并由此获得教益或享受美感。当然,要熟练地运用此法,达到理想的效果,既要把握关键,又须反复实践,不仅在写作中注意贯串,而且在阅读时认真品味。 首先,要选准足以激发情感的枢纽,不惜浓墨重彩进行描述,加以渲染。以《背影》而言,父子相会多日,家境的凄凉、遭遇的坎坷必定生出众多父子共命运、同患难的事缘,然而作者慧眼独具,选择了离别前父亲不顾
[References and Tips] Narrative texts are often used to convey emotions. In addition to direct lyrical expressions, the most widely used method is to immerse yourself in narrating, that is, to pour in and combine the rich and deep feelings of the writer in the narrative so that readers can Infection, and thus gain lessons or enjoy beauty. Of course, to use this method skillfully to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to grasp the key and practice it repeatedly, not only in writing but also in reading. First of all, it is necessary to select the pivots that are sufficient to stimulate emotions and to describe them in great detail. In terms of “Back”, the father and son meet for several days. The desolateness of the family and the ups and downs of the family will give birth to many fathers and fathers sharing the same destiny with one another. However, the author has a unique eye, and he chose to disregard his father before he left.