
来源 :中国废钢铁 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:penghong97
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中国钢铁渣堆存量约3.38亿吨,其中约有1690万吨金属铁未回收。2006年钢铁渣的产生量约2亿吨,综合利用率为48.7%。如何回收钢渣中金属铁和实现钢渣100%的综合利用是中国钢铁企业面临的重要任务。本文论述了钢渣中金属铁不能充分回收及利用率低的主要原因是钢渣的处理工艺和设备落后。介绍了钢渣热闷处理工艺技术和特点。提出生产钢铁渣粉是主要的利用途径,并选择节能低耗的卧式辊磨用于钢铁渣粉的生产。实现钢铁渣“零排放”的途径为生产水泥和建材制品,因中国水泥产量为12.2亿吨,消纳工业废渣具有很大空间。 China’s iron and steel slag stockpile of about 338 million tons, of which about 16.9 million tons of metal iron is not recycled. Steel slag production in 2006 was about 200 million tons, the comprehensive utilization rate was 48.7%. How to recover the metal iron in steel slag and realize 100% comprehensive utilization of steel slag are the important tasks that Chinese steel enterprises are facing. This article discusses the steel slag can not be fully recovered and low utilization of metal is the main reason for the treatment of steel slag and equipment behind. Described the steel slag heat boring treatment technology and features. It is proposed that the production of iron slag powder is the main utilization way, and the horizontal roller mill with low energy consumption and low energy consumption is selected for the production of steel slag powder. The way to realize steel slag “zero emission” is to produce cement and building materials products. Because China’s cement output is 1.22 billion tons, there is a lot of room for industrial waste disposal.
除盘算自身的购屋条件外,预先评估所能承担的房价,是拟定购屋计划的必须而且重要的因素之一。 先评估自己能买何种价位的房子,是购屋前的必须动作。我买房子的时候就忽略了
对于现代家庭,热水器是必不可少的物品。近几年来,热水器的品种也不断推陈出新,从快速直排式到容积式,从用气到用电,人们的选择也越来越多。 从市场上看,目前的流行趋势是容积式热