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“必须高度关注党与群众的关系问题、人心向背问题”,这是江泽民同志在领导全党推进社会主义改革开放的历史进程中向全党提出的一个严肃政治课题。认真学习江泽民关于人心向背问题的论述,对于全党深入理解十六大精神,贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,坚持立党为公、执政为民,更好地团结和带领全国人民完成党在新世纪的奋斗目标,具有重要意义。一、人心向背是决定政党政权兴亡的根本因素江泽民同志指出:“人心向背,是决定一个政党、一个政权兴亡的根本性因素。”这是江泽民同志在总结人类历史中大国兴亡、政党兴衰规律的基础上,着眼于推进新时期党的建设,着眼于推进建设有中国特色社会主义事业而提出来的,体现了对人 “We must attach great importance to the issue of the relationship between the party and the masses and the question of the people’s minds.” This is a serious political issue put forward by Comrade Jiang Zemin to the entire party in the historical process of leading the entire party in promoting socialist reform and opening up. Conscientiously study Jiang Zemin’s discourse on the issue of people’s hearts and minds. It is of great value to the entire party in understanding the spirit of the 16th National Congress and implementing the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ persisting in building the party for the sake of the public and governing for the people, and better uniting and leading the people across the country in completing the party’s The goal of the new century is of great significance. First, the return of the heart is the fundamental determinant of the rise and fall of the party’s political power Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “It is the fundamental factor that determines the rise and fall of a political party and a political power,” said Jiang Zemin, a comrade in the general government. On the basis of focusing on promoting the party building in the new period and focusing on promoting the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics,
论文介绍了在B±→K±ωφ道寻找X(1812)粒子的结果。实验数据来自于日本B介子工厂(KEKB)不对称能量正负电子对撞机上由Belle探测器收集到的604 fb-1数据。X(1812)是BES合作
(一)非公有制经济组织党建工作作用的新认识    能否给党组织在非公经济组织中准确定位,关系到党的建设能否在非公有制经济组织中顺利进行。我们必须认识到,党组织在非公有制经济组织中开展工作,在目前既不保证企业生产经营秩序,也不是监督企业的生产经营活动。现阶段,把党组织的作用定位于“协调、帮助”比较符合我国非公有制经济组织的实际,容易被接受,也有利于党组织开展工作。党组织的主要工作一是“协调”,协调非
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