
来源 :青海政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cloudzhu429
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青政办[2014]6号各市、自治州人民政府,省发展改革委、省公安厅、省财政厅、省住房城乡建设厅、省交通厅、省农牧厅、省林业厅、省工商局:2013年,各地认真落实与省政府签订的《2011—2013年松材线虫病等重大林业有害生物防控目标责任书》和《青海省2013年林业有害生物防控管理目标责任书》,全面贯彻“预防为主,科学治理,依法监管,强化责任”的方针和“集中资金,突出重点,分区治理,注重成 Qingzheng Ban [2014] No. 6 Municipal People’s Government, Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Public Security Department, Provincial Department of Finance, Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Provincial Department of Communications, Provincial Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Provincial Forestry Department, In 2013, all localities conscientiously implemented the Responsibility Letter of Responsibility for Pest Management and Prevention and Control of Pine Wood Wilt Disease and other major forestry from 2011 to 2013 signed with the provincial government and the Responsibility Letter of Responsibility Management of Forest Pest Management and Prevention in 2013 in Qinghai Province, and fully implemented ”Focus on prevention, scientific management, supervision in accordance with the law, strengthen responsibility “ and ”focus on funds, focus, zoning governance, focusing on the
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