
来源 :企业改革与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenlai
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在医院中档案管理被设置为一个单独的部门,其管理方法直接影响到档案在实际应用中的价值,所以档案的合理规范化管理,能够使档案发挥出其使用价值,也是对医院的整体管理水平的提高。医院内的档案包含了患者的病例、医护人员的基本信息以及医院大事件发生的记录,在信息化的社会中人们对于档案的重视程度越来越高,医院对于档案管理方法上也在不断的研究和探索,使之成为医院管理改革的一个重要部分。在新医改下的档案管理,号召各个单位根据实际情况对现有医院档案进行规范有效的管理,本着能更好的服务于医务人员、社会人员,以及曾在本院就医的患者,寻找薄弱环节,加强改进,相互参考优秀管理机构,取长补短,能够适应大数据时代的需求。医院在实现现代化管理的同时,医院档案管理也是不能忽略的,医院的战略发展是长久性的,如果档案管理停滞不前,则对医护工作者的服务质量产生影响,所以必须改进档案的管理方法,以促进医疗的全方位开展,配合医院整体管理改革方法的推进。文章通过分析目前医院档案管理的薄弱环节,提出了医院档案有效的管理新方法。 In the hospital file management is set as a separate department, its management method directly affects the file in the practical application of the value, so the file reasonable and standardized management, can make the file play its use value, but also to the hospital’s overall management level Improve. The files in the hospital contain the patient’s cases, the basic information of the medical staff and the records of the major events in the hospital. In the information-oriented society, people pay more and more attention to the files, and the hospital is also constantly changing the methods of file management Research and exploration, making it an important part of hospital management reform. In the new medical file management under the reform, called on all units according to the actual situation of the existing hospital archives standardized and effective management, in order to better serve the medical staff, social workers, and have sought medical treatment in our hospital patients, looking weak Links to strengthen the improvement of mutual reference to outstanding management agencies, learn from each other, to adapt to the needs of the era of big data. Hospital in the realization of modern management at the same time, the hospital records management can not be ignored, the hospital’s strategic development is long-term, if the file management stagnation, the health care workers have an impact on the quality of service, it is necessary to improve the file management approach In order to promote the all-round development of medical treatment and to promote the reform of the overall management of the hospital. By analyzing the current weaknesses of hospital records management, the article puts forward a new method of effective management of hospital records.