Love and Time

来源 :学生导报·初中版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichong0324
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  Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.
  Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
  When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
  Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said,
  “Richness, can you take me with you?”
  Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”
  Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel,“Vanity, please help me!”
  “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered.
  Sadness was close by so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you.”
  “Oh…Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”
  Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.
  Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder.
  Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who Helped me?”
  “It was Time,” Knowledge answered.
  “Time?” asked Love, “But why did Time help me?”
  Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.”
  be good at/ do well in辨析
  Ⅰ. be good at / in 意思接近于 do well in. “在(某方面)出色;擅長……”
  be good at / in 强调一种笼统情况,而do well in 可表示一种情况,也可指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。
  be good at 的反义词组为:be poor (weak) at (in).
  do well in 的反义词组为:do badly in. 如:
  ① Mary is good at / in maths. = Mary does well in maths.
  玛丽数学很好(指情况)。= 玛丽数学学得很好。
  ② Tom did well in (不宜用be good at,指具体一次)that English test / sports meeting.
  ③ Wu Dong does badly in his lessons. = Wu Dong is weak / poor / at / in his lessons.
  ④ Mei Ying did badly in the high jump.
  ⑤ Mei Ying is weak / poor in / at high jump.梅英不善于跳高。(指笼统情况)
  Ⅱ. do well 和do badly可单独使用,表一种情况;
  而be good / weak / poor 一定要借助于介词in 或at, 强调在某一个方面,才能表达一个完整的意思。如:
  He does well / badly at school.
  Live on in the memory
  表达 live on in the memory 或 live in the memory 的含义和记忆有关,它指过去的事情或经历仍留存在记忆当中,或对人产生了持久的影响。在这里,词组 live on 的含义和 endure相似,可以表示事物“持久、继续地存在”。
  Although our grandfather has passed away, his love will live on in the memory of all of us.
  We’ve won the game - this moment of glory will live on in the memory for the rest of my life.
  Her talent and legacy will live on in the memory of those she had inspired.
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母亲偷偷地藏起了痛苦和眼泪,用这种爱幸福地麻醉了残缺的孩子。 The mother secretly hides pain and tears, and uses this kind of love to happily suffocate the child