Transient competition between photocatalysis and carrier recombination in TiO_2 nanotube film loaded

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lowsong1
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Highly ordered TiO2 nanotube array(TNA) films are fabricated by using an anodic oxidation method. Au nanoparticles(NPs) films are decorated onto the top of TNA films with the aid of ion-sputtering and thermal annealing. An enhanced photocatalytic activity under ultraviolet C(UVC, 266 nm) light irradiation is obtained compared with that of the pristine TNA, which is shown by the steady-state photoluminescence(PL) spectra. Furthermore, a distinct blue shift in the nanosecond time-resolved transient photoluminescence(NTRT-PL) spectra is observed. Such a phenomenon could be well explained by considering the competition between the surface photocatalytic process and the recombination of the photo-generated carriers. The enhanced UV photocatalytic activities of the Au–TNA composite are evaluated through photo-degradation of methyl orange(MO) in an aqueous solution with ultraviolet–visible absorption spectrometry. Our current work may provide a simple strategy to synthesize defect-related composite photocatalytic devices. Highly ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays (TNA) films are fabricated by using an anodic oxidation method. Au nanoparticles (NPs) films are decorated onto the top of TNA films with the aid of ion-sputtering and thermal annealing. An enhanced photocatalytic activity under ultraviolet C (UVC, 266 nm) light irradiation is obtained with that of the pristine TNA, which is shown by the steady-state photoluminescence (PL) spectra. Furthermore, a distinct blue shift in the nanosecond time-resolved transient photoluminescence (NTRT-PL The enhanced UV photocatalytic activities of the Au-TNA composite are evaluated through photo-degradation of methyl orange (MO) in an aqueous solution with ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrometry. Our current work may provide a simple strategy to synthesize defect-related composite photocatalytic devices.
于阗王李圣天,本名尉迟娑缚婆(Vi-sa sambhava),系长期在于阗当政的尉迟王族中一位杰出君主。以冲龄即位,自后梁乾化二年(912)至北宋乾德四年(966),在他长达半个多世纪的执
患者 女,77岁。因发作性头晕4d ,反复晕厥2d ,于2 0 0 3年4月1 9日收入院。既往高血压1 0余年,规律服药。入院前4d患者在刷牙时突然头晕、全身乏力、心慌,休息3min后缓解,此
心理疲劳是人的主观体验的一种疲倦感,它的危害不仅在于会引起人的生理性疲劳,而且还会导致孩子对学习的厌倦情绪。 Psychological fatigue is a sense of fatigue of the s