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一、法学家的困惑人们往往认为,马克思主义法学诞生于1848年,其实,作为一门真正完整科学意义上的法学,是苏联祛学家们的创造。到本世纪五十年代,中国的法学家们,似乎只是遵循着苏联人创造的规范去解释、阐述中国的问题。苏联理论加中国的实例,这就是五十年代中国的法学体系。从此,一切学术研 First, the confusion of jurists People often think that the Marxist law was born in 1848, in fact, as a truly complete scientific sense of law, is the creation of the Soviet Union scientists. By the 1950s, Chinese jurists seemed to simply follow the norms created by the Soviets to explain and explain China’s problems. The example of the Soviet Union plus China, which is the legal system of China in the 1950s. Since then, all academic research
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中午吃饭的时候,老婆突然不停地咳嗽起来,我忙问她怎么了,老婆说:“噎……噎着了……咳……咳……快……快帮我拍拍……”我连忙掏出手机,给她拍了一张。 Noon when eating,
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一、经济犯罪与经济罪犯的定义和概念 经济犯罪的表现形式多种多样,极其复杂,很难归纳出一个统一的概念。学者们通常是使用列举法或者通过集合名词来说明那些已经被刑法规定
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