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龙羊峡水电站是正在建设中的我国第二大水电站。水电部第四工程局根据工程建设的实际情况,提出了龙羊峡工程八六年蓄水、八七、八八年各两台机组发电,八九年竣工的总进度。在实现这个总目标的进程中,水电四局领导加强了设备管理,充分发挥设备在电站建设中的作用。一、搞好有关砼浇筑设备的管理狠抓砼搅拌楼、缆机、机关车、制冷供热系统和振捣器等大坝砼施工的控制性设备的操作使用及维修保养。从组织机构方面落实了管理体制,已形成三级管理网,机械设备多的单位均有一名副厂长(副处长)主管设备管理工作。配备的机管人员也相对稳 Longyangxia Hydropower Station is the second largest hydropower station in China. According to the actual situation of the project construction, the Fourth Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Water and Electricity proposed the total progress of the Longyangxia Project’s water storage in the year 1986, the power generation of the two units in 1987 and 1988, and the completion of completion in 1989. In the process of achieving this overall goal, the leaders of the Fourth Municipal Bureau of Hydroelectric Power have strengthened the management of the equipment and brought into full play the role of the equipment in the construction of the power station. First, do a good job related to the management of pouring equipment to pay close attention to the mixing plant, cable machine, office vehicles, cooling and heating systems and vibrators and other dams, construction of the control equipment, operation and maintenance. The management system has been implemented from the organizational structure, and a three-level management network has been formed. A unit with many machinery and equipment has a deputy director (deputy director) who is responsible for the management of equipment. Staffing staff is relatively stable
由国家机械委524厂和浙江义乌桥东工业公司共同研制的 XLF——21显示仪,是非电流量(水、汽、风、煤气、油等)通用的智能化的二次仪表。它能使流量计算智能化,既能独立使用,
第三届亚洲国际钢丝、铜缆及钢丝制品生产展览及讨论会——亚洲线缆 87,于1987年4月25~30日在北京国际展览中心隆重举行。这是继新加坡、东京之后的又一次“亚洲线缆”博览会
1986年美国又研制出许多新的抗氧剂。Ciba-Geigy 公司研制的亚磷酸酯/稳定剂 Ir-ganox B1411和 Irganox B712,Witco 公司的 Argus 分公司研制的五种固体混合物新产品中都含