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中国和朝鲜半岛在文化上的交流互润,至少有3000多年的历史了。我们用“源远流长”来形容它,是再恰当不过的了。 早在公元前11世纪的西周初年,商纣王的叔父箕子“走之朝鲜”。这个传说,在《史记》、《三国遗事》等双方的古籍中都有记载。春秋时期,齐国政治家管仲曾提到朝鲜文皮。战国时期燕国的刀币在朝鲜半岛北部各地大量发现,多者一次竟达千余枚。在朝鲜半岛南部庆尚南、北道,也出土过中国战国式的青铜剑。西汉初年,燕人卫满率部众东渡浿水(今清川江)入朝鲜。不久,卫满取代箕氏朝鲜立国,称卫氏朝鲜。那时候,中国的制漆技术传到朝鲜北部。在朝鲜西北部古遗址中发掘出大量的漆器,上面铭文有:“蜀郡西工”、“广汉工官”和“元始”、“永年”等汉朝的年号。与此同时,朝鲜半岛的特产檀弓、班鱼皮、文豹和果下马等也输入中国。这些材料说明,先秦两汉时期,中国和朝鲜半岛的文化联系是十分密切的。 魏晋南北朝时期,高句丽雄峙于朝鲜半岛北部,新罗和百济分据朝鲜半岛的东南部及西南部。372 China and the Korean Peninsula in the cultural exchange and mutual benefit, at least 3000 years of history. It is no longer appropriate to describe it with “long history”. As early as the 11th century BC, in the early Western Zhou Dynasty, the uncle of Shibei king Jizi “walked North Korea.” This legend, in the “Historical Records”, “Three Kingdoms” and other ancient books are recorded. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi Zhong, a politician from Qi State, once mentioned the Korean skin. During the Warring States Period, the currency of the country was found in large quantities in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, with more than one thousand pieces at a time. In the southern part of the Korean Peninsula Gyeongsangnam, North Road, also unearthed the Chinese Warring States-style bronze sword. The early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the Department of Yan people full rate of Dongdu 浿 water (now Qingchuanjiang) into North Korea. Soon, Wei Man replaced Kei's DPRK founding nation, saying Wei's North Korea. At that time, China's paint technology spread to North Korea. A large number of lacquer wares were excavated from ancient ruins in the northwestern part of North Korea. The inscriptions on the inscriptions are Han Dynasty titles such as “Shujun Xigong”, “Guanghan Gongguan” and “Yuan Shi” and “Yongnian”. At the same time, the Korean Peninsula specialty Tan Tan, classes fish skin, Wen Bao and dismount also entered China. These materials show that during the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, the cultural ties between China and the Korean Peninsula were very close. In the period of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Koguryo Xiongzhi was located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, Silla and Baekje, in the southeast and southwest of the Korean Peninsula. 372
德育教育与数学教育有机结合,已成为当今教育的热点问题。如果中学数学教学缺乏德育教育观点,那么就会减少数学的教育价值。因此,德育教育对中学数学教学有着十分重要的意义。    一、范例教育    教育理论认为,要树立学生远大的理想,榜样的力量是无穷的,范例起重要作用。那么在数学教学中,榜样范例从何处来,数学史中的众多历史人物,他们的治学精神是值得学生学习的。在中学数学教育中,结合各年级教材,适当选一些