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2000年底,由美国中国商会、美国太平洋开发集团、美国零售连锁企业协会和美国采购商联盟等联合组织的美国采购团,开始了在华的第一轮采购。按照规划,从当年12月份开始,美国将派遣采购团每月来华采购一次,预计年采购额将高达4亿美元。大采购的第一站选在了美方认为国际贸易发展最先进的北京地区,计划中的采购金额为4000万美元。而最后结果却出人意料,首轮采购以无果告终。分析造成这一尴尬结局的主要原因之一,是北京企业的电子贸易化程度太低,无法与美方习惯采用的电子化、网络化国际贸易操作方式配合协作,因而不能正常地进行商务沟通和运作。 By the end of 2000, the U.S. Procurement Group jointly organized by the China Chamber of Commerce in the United States, the Pacific Development Group in the United States, the American Retail Chain Association and the American Purchasing Coalition initiated the first round of procurement in China. According to the plan, from the beginning of December of that year, the United States will send a procurement delegation to purchase it once a month in China, and the annual procurement amount is expected to reach as high as 400 million U.S. dollars. The first big purchase was chosen by the United States as the most advanced area for international trade in the Beijing area with a planned procurement amount of 40 million U.S. dollars. The final result was unexpected, the first round of procurement to no avail. Analyzing one of the main reasons for this embarrassing ending is that the degree of e-trade in Beijing's enterprises is too low to co-operate with the electronic and networked international trade practices customarily used by the United States, and thus can not properly conduct business communication and operation .
以一定速度流过特定电压和频率电场的水,称为电水,或叫电场处理水。由于电水的密度、粘滞度、表面张力、导电率和pH值等一系列物理特性 The water that flows through a sp
从手工作坊干到现代化企业,就是一个把管理从直觉到科学化的升华…… From hand workshops to modern businesses, it is a distillation of management from intuition to
三笔成叶,准备好一支羊毫或兼毫的大京提,沾饱充足的水份后,在笔尖二分之一处沾浓墨,侧锋用笔,从下至下,三笔便可国出藤叶。 画藤可以“S”状连接,了解藤的规律,再以中锋用
大连市色谱学会1991年会2月5日于大连科技馆举行 会议共录用征文近37篇,编印了年会文集。中国科学院大连化学物理研究所、大连理工大学化工学院、化工部光明研究所及大连市