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这里介绍几味中药的鉴别方法,其特点是准确、简便、易掌握.“挂甲”是鉴别天然牛黄真伪的一种方法.取牛黄少许,蘸清水涂于指甲上,指甲被染呈黄色,久而不退者为天然真牛黄.“冒槽”为区别真假麝香的一种方法.取一根带有沟槽的铁针,插入麝香囊孔内。然后将槽针在(?)内施转几下,拔出后针槽内的麝香仁应逐渐出现膨胀而高出槽面。麝香仁油润,香味浓烈,无其他腥臭气味者为真麝香.“鹦哥嘴”是根据生药形态识别真假天麻的一种方法.天麻除形态、颜色、质地皱纹和轮节等特征外,较为突出的是顶端有残留的红棕色、干枯萎缩的基茎,形态很象“鹦哥”的嘴,另一端呈园脐状的疤痕.此为真正天麻. Here is a description of the identification methods of several Chinese herbs, which are characterized by accuracy, simplicity, and ease of mastery. “Pair Hanger” is a method to identify the authenticity of natural bezoar. Take a little bezoar, apply clean water on the nails, nails are dyed yellow, For a long time without returning to the natural true bezoar. “Trough” is a way to distinguish between true and false musk. Take a metal needle with a groove, insert the hole in the musk. Then the grooved needle is rotated within (?) for a few times. After the pulling out of the needle groove, the fragrant kernels should gradually expand and rise above the groove surface. The eucalyptus is oily and has a strong aroma. No other odor odor is real musk. “Panda Bianzui” is a method of recognizing true and false gastrodiae according to the shape of raw herbs. Gastrodia elata is characterized by its shape, color, texture, wrinkles and rims, etc. The most prominent is the residual reddish-brown, atrophic base stem, which resembles the mouth of the “Budgerigar” at the top and a umbilical scar at the other. This is the real gastrodia.
罗布麻(Apocynum Ventum L.) (下称红麻)叶有抗高血压和利尿消肿等作用,已为药理实验和临床验证所证实。我区尚盛产罗布麻属植物:大花罗布麻(Poacynum hendersoniiWoodson)
例1 余××,女,5岁。因持续发热九天、昏睡四天入院。九天前先有低热,无恶塞汗出。初尚不以为意,仍然照常生活,以后体温逐渐升高,四天前开始进入昏睡状态。曾在当地医院诊治
Objective: To determine the effect of intervention on contraceptive efficacy. Method: The study is composed of three phases: (1) A baseline survey was conducted
Objective To investigate ultrastructural effects of cadmium(Cd) and zinc(Zn) on rat Leydig cells (LCs) and the possible mechanisms of Cd induced injury.