说起来,我和Rosso Fiorentino Pienza这对小音箱算是颇有缘分。几个月前,我和同事在广州海印广场试听一对大型的落地音箱时,突然注意到角落里摆放着一对相貌平平却标价将近两万人民币的书架音箱。出于好奇,我们便当场接上这对小音箱试听。同样的配置,同一首音乐,声音出来的那一瞬间,我们都在对方眼里看到惊喜。如此
In retrospect, I think Rosso Fiorentino Pienza is the fate of this small speaker. A few months ago, when my colleagues and I tried a pair of large floor speakers in Haidian Plaza, Guangzhou, I suddenly noticed that in the corner there was a pair of bookshelf speakers priced flat at nearly 20,000 RMB. Out of curiosity, we were on the spot listening to this small speaker. The same configuration, the same piece of music, the moment the sound came out, we all see the surprise of each other’s eyes. in this way