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有说法称,韩国人一生无法避免三件事:死亡、税收和三星。由于三星集团对于韩国经济太过重要,因此政府常常“网开一面”韩国最大企业三星集团经历了公司历史上最为剧烈的人事变动,执掌三星20余年的李健熙4月22日宣布辞职,同时就集团经济丑闻对韩国国民带来的困扰道歉。又一个著名的韩国企业家以不光彩的方式,结束自己的职业生涯,李健熙的这一举动震惊韩国朝野,也引发了世界媒体的广泛关注。 There are claims that Koreans can not avoid three things in their lives: death, taxation and Samsung. Since Samsung Group is too important to the Korean economy, the government often “opens its doors to one side.” Samsung Group, the largest Korean company, has experienced the most dramatic personnel changes in the history of the company. Li Jianxi, who has been in charge of Samsung for more than 20 years, announced his resignation on April 22, Apologized for the troubles brought by the economic scandal of the group to Korean nationals. Another notable Korean entrepreneur ended his career in such a disgraceful manner that Lee Kun-hee’s move shocked the ROK and the ruling and opposition parties and caused widespread media attention in the world.