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自1958年工农业生产大跃进以来,我省绝大部分市、县在大闹生产建设的同时,注意了文物保护工作,这是很好的,但另一些市、县却发生了严重的破坏文物的现象。如原隰宁县(现合并于吕梁县)人民委员会曾于1958年9月16日发出(58)县文物杨字第二号通知,将在此以前发出的在大炼钢铁中应当注意保护重要铜铁铸造文物的(58)县文物字第一号通知宣布作废。继由领导方面作主,于19日前后将金代泰和八年铸造的大钟,以及其它地 Since the Great Leap Forward in Industrial and Agricultural Production in 1958, most of the cities and counties in our province have paid attention to the protection of cultural relics while paying attention to production and construction. This is good, but other cities and counties have undergone serious damage Cultural phenomenon. For instance, the People’s Committee of Suining County (now consolidated in Lvliang County) issued Circular No. 58 on the county cultural relics Yang Zi on September 16, 1958, and will issue prior notice in this regard that it should pay attention to the protection of important copper Iron casting artifacts (58) county cultural relics first notice announced void. Following the leadership by the king, on the 19th, Kim Tae-e and the eight-year cast bell, and other places
Ramtron International公司宣布推出512 kbits的3V非易失性FRAM器件——FM25L512,带有高速串行外设接口(SPI)。该款器件采用8管脚微型封装,能够提高数据采集和存储能力,并且
Piaget伯爵Sunny Side of Life高级珠宝腕表系列Sunny Getaway玫瑰金镶钻手镯腕表当金如织物般柔软,它无可比拟的光彩令镶嵌于表壳上的69颗明亮式切割美钻及18K玫瑰金链带上
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它是世上最大,最错综复杂的地下防御工事·这里有延绵几十公里的地下铁道; ·这里有阴森恐怖的地下火葬场; ·这里有一个可以移动的湖中岛; ·这里有一座庞大的飞机库…… I
Beijing’s famous hutongs, narrow alleys filled with brick-walled tile-roofed courtyard houses, are some of the most distinctive symbols of China’s heritage.
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位: 现将省人民政府办公厅《关于加强全国重点文物保护单位保护利用工作的通知》(粤府[1997]16号)转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。各有关单
。 注:核电和水电按当量值折算一一成煤当量一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一。1995年世界一次能源消费及结构 . Note: The eq