Research on Wet Steam Spontaneous Condensing Flows Considering Phase Transition and Slip

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haofei88
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A new dual-fluid model considering phase transition and velocity slip was proposed in this paper and the Cunningham correction was used in the droplet resistance calculation. This dual-fluid model was applied to the numerical simulations of wet steam flow in a 2D LAVAL nozzle and in the White cascade respectively. The results of two simulations demonstrate that the model is reliable. Meanwhile, the spontaneous condensing flow in White cascade was analyzed and it infers that the irreversible loss caused by condensation accounts for the largest share (about 8.78% of inlet total pressure) in total pressure loss while the loss caused by velocity slip takes the smallest share (nearly 0.42%), and another part of total pressure loss caused by pneumatic factors contributes a less share than condensation, i.e. almost 3.95% of inlet total pressure. A new dual-fluid model considered phase transition and velocity slip was proposed in this paper and the Cunningham correction was used in the droplet resistance calculation. This dual-fluid model was applied to the numerical simulations of wet steam flow in a 2D LAVAL nozzle and in the White cascade respectively. The results of two simulations demonstrate that the model is reliable. Meanwhile, the spontaneous condensing flow in White cascade was analyzed and it infers that the irreversible loss caused by condensation accounts for the largest share (about 8.78% of inlet total pressure) in total pressure loss while the loss caused by velocity slip takes the smallest share (nearly 0.42%), and another part of total pressure loss caused by pneumatic factors contributes a less share than than condensation, ie almost 3.95% of inlet total pressure .
《半甲园丛稿》,戈革著,香港天马图书有限公司2006年版,这部书收集了作者大部分散文著作,自费出版,限印200册,作者亲自编号盖章以送友人,市面很少见,我的这一册年初偶得之于网上。  戈革(1922-2007),本名繁荣,字耀先,号红莩,一号拜鞠,河北献县人,先后就读于北京大学物理系、清华大学物理研究所,中国石油大学教授,译著有《尼尔斯·玻尔集》《宏观电磁场论》《史情室文帚》,2002年被丹麦国王