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当我们走进公园、花园、植物园,欣赏繁多的花木和优美的景致时,也许从未想过专业化和距离感的问题。但是,奥地利人注意到了,“不要太专业化”,成了他们造园的一个原则。这是记者在奥地利馆日的新闻发布会上了解到的。何谓不要太专业化?他们解释说,就是造园时不惟园林而园林,不刻意采用复杂的设计,不给人高深莫测、遥不可及的感觉。而是充分考虑到园林的使用者——人的感受和需要,追求一种自然、简单与和谐,提高园林与人的亲和力。也就是说,让园林成为人们身边随意点缀、见缝插针的绿色使者,遍布城市各个角落,并且功能多样化,使老百姓看了之后有一种亲近感,能在自家房前屋后模仿。这样,用不着过多宣传,种花养草 When we walk into parks, gardens, botanical gardens, and enjoy a wide variety of flowers and beautiful scenery, we may never have thought about the problems of specialization and sense of distance. However, Austrians have noticed that “not too specialized” has become a principle for their gardening. This is what the reporter learned at the press conference of the Austria Pavilion Day. What does not mean to be too professional? They explained that it was gardens and gardens that were not used for gardening. They did not deliberately adopt complex designs and did not give people an unfathomable, unattainable feeling. Instead, it fully takes into account the users of the garden - the feelings and needs of people, the pursuit of a natural, simple and harmonious, and the improvement of the affinity of gardens and humans. In other words, letting the garden become a green messenger that is adorned by people around them and spread around the city, and has diversified functions. After the people look at it, they have a sense of intimacy and can imitate behind their houses. In this way, without excessive publicity, flowers and grass
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