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近几年来摩擦学润滑技术被广泛用于各个领域,对节约能源、节约原材料、延长产品使用寿命,对促进生产起了一定作用,并在实践中取得一定成果.为适合当前形势扩大摩擦学知识在工矿企业领域的应用,促进企业生产创效,据润滑技术专业委员会活动计划按排并报上级学会批准,现定于1998年5月在贵阳召开(通知另发)第六届摩擦学工矿企业润滑技术工业应用学术年会及三新经验推广应用会议.请各有关单位、大专院校、科研所、厂矿企业的专家、学者、专业技术人员、科研人员、专委会撰写论文、工作报告,科研成果等有关文章.(应征论文等要求与生产应用与经济效益相结合),会议组织评审,评选优秀论文,颁发论文证书,并组织汇编论文集. In recent years, tribology lubrication technology is widely used in various fields, saving energy, saving raw materials, extending product life, to promote production has played a certain role, and achieved some results in practice .To expand the tribological knowledge for the current situation In the field of industrial and mining enterprises to promote the production of innovative products, according to the Lubrication Technical Committee activities scheduled and reported to higher level approval, is scheduled to be held in May 1998 in Guiyang (notice separately) Sixth Tribology Industrial and mining enterprises Lubrication Technology Industry Conference and application of three new experience to promote the application of the meeting. Please relevant units, universities, research institutes, factories and mines enterprises experts, scholars, professional and technical personnel, researchers, special committees to write papers, work reports, Scientific research achievements and other related articles (such as the application of papers and other requirements and production and application of economic benefits combined), the conference organization review, selection of outstanding papers, papers certificates issued, and the organization of the compilation of essays.
落实“重变轻”的发展战略,使聚丙烯项目在东北市场和华北市场形成强大的竞争力。 The implementation of “changeable and light” development strategy, so that the po
【目的】从伯氏致病杆菌(Xenorhabdus bovienii)胞外组分中分离纯化出能够抑制大蜡螟(Galleriamellonella)免疫反应的一种蛋白,研究其在昆虫病原线虫及其共生菌致病过程中的
目的 评价头孢哌酮联用微生态制剂妈咪爱治疗小儿急性菌痢的疗效。方法 选择 1998年 5月~ 2 0 0 0年 5月间住院的急性菌痢患儿共 10 0例 ,随机分成两组 ,治疗组 5 0例 ,对照
SAP的石油天然气业上游行业解决方案是上游企业充分发挥mySAP.com协同商务环境下的集成性与开放性必不可少的工具,越来越多的独立油气生产商对其表现出了浓厚的兴趣。 SAP’