围绕中心促发展 满园春景入画来——2013年农工党主要工作回眸

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回首2013年,农工党中央从年初的治理灰霾的大会发言到年末引起社会广泛关注的生态健康论坛,一年来,农工党以促进实现“健康中国”、“美丽中国”宏伟目标为主线,以科学发展、推进改革、保障民生、拉动内需为参政议政、社会服务的主要工作目标,把发挥自身界别优势与服务中心工作相结合,工作独具特色、成绩斐然。立足特色持续关注有成果农工党中央把发挥自身界别优势与服务中心相结合,紧密围绕国家发展大局,认真履行参政党职能,为全面建成小康社会积极贡献智慧和力量。 Looking back on 2013, from a speech delivered by the party Central Committee of the Peasants and Workers at the beginning of the year on haze governance to an ecological health forum that caused widespread publicity at the end of the year, in the past year, the Peasants’ Labor Party has promoted the grand goal of “healthy China” and “beautiful China” As the main line, taking scientific development, promoting reform, safeguarding people’s livelihood, boosting domestic demand as the main objective of participating in politics and doing politics and providing social services, and combining the strengths of their own constituencies with the work of service centers, the work is distinctive and accomplished. Focused on Features and Continued Concerns and Achievements The Central Party Committee of the Peasants and Workers’ Labor Party, combining its own advantages with service centers, closely follows the overall development of the country, conscientiously fulfills the functions of participating parties and actively contributes wisdom and strength to building a well-off society in an all-round way.
我是个什么样的人,说句老实话,连我自己也说不清楚。假如你真的想了解,还是去问我的爸爸妈妈吧! 如果你敲响我家的门,一定会听到我妈妈的唠叨:“昨天才买了10瓶可乐,怎么我
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这一期,我为同学安排的是一组描写人的容貌的片段,大家欣赏一下,看看名家是怎样写的—— In this issue, I arranged for the classmates a series of portraits depicting