1 病例报告例1:男,7岁.2周前出现眼睑水肿,逐渐波及双下肢,尿常规示蛋白(++) ,红细胞(++),门诊以急性肾炎收入院.查体:BP 110/75 mm Hg,神志清,呼吸平稳 ,双眼睑水肿,巩膜无
对我们所遇中枢神经系统脱髓鞘病5例分析如下.1 临床资料本组男4例,女1例,年龄12~48岁,平均(30±1)岁.病程15 d~3 a,平均13个月.病变部位:额叶2例,额颞叶2例,丘脑1例,均为
1 对象和方法1.1 对象我院2003-11~2004-11符合CCMD-3精神分裂症诊断标准,住院治疗时间>3个月且BPRS评分<7的患者80例,随机分为研究组(哈伯因组)和对照组(安慰剂组).哈伯因组平
我院1998~2003年耻骨上前列腺摘除术后发生的前列腺癌6例分析如下.1 病例报告例1:80岁.排尿困难0.5 a,2 a前行耻骨上前列腺摘除术(病理为前列腺增生), 以前列腺摘除术后尿道狭
By varying concentration of PEG1000 as a structure-directing agent,mesoporous alumina with excellent textural properties was synthesized.The prepared mesoporous
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Membrane-based CO_2 separation is a promising alternative in terms of energy and environmental issues to other conventional techniques. Polyether-polyamide bloc
A new cleaner production process for cassava ethanol has been developed, in which the thin stillage by-product was treated initially by anaerobic digestion, and