Graphite chemical corrosion experiments were carried out in an analysis chamber of a LAS-2000 secondary ion mass spectrometer. High energy deuterium ion beams were impacted individually or in combination with a neutralized electron beam to bombard graphite to simulate plasma irradiation. Graphite sample temperature is adjustable from 300 ~ 1000K. Graphite samples were cut from the SMF-800 graphite first wall assembly subjected to hydrogen ionization experiments. The product of its release under deuterium beam bombardment (in the range of Me-1 = 2 to 44) was measured using a quadrupole mass spectrometer probe SQ156 by in situ molecular beam mass spectrometry, the temperature characteristics of deuterated methane (CD4) released from graphite samples at 1.3 μA / 3 keV deuterium beam bombardment were obtained, with a release peak at 780 K resulting from enhanced chemical etching . The temperature characteristics of deuteromethane were analyzed