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目的探讨脓毒血症患儿血糖水平与其病情的相关关系及胰岛素干预对预后的影响。方法对纳入的58例脓毒血症患儿在入院时进行血糖检测,根据其平均血糖值分为平均血糖偏低、正常、轻度升高及中高度升高4组;同时根据脓毒血症诊断标准对患儿分为普通型、严重型及休克型3型,对脓毒血症患儿血糖水平与其病情的相关关系进行分析。同时采用随机数字表法将上述平均血糖中高度升高组患者随机分为研究组和对照组,研究组实施胰岛素干预,对照组不使用胰岛素干预,观察两组患儿预后情况。结果血糖水平与患儿脓毒血症严重程度相关系数V=0.732,V值较接近于1,表明血糖水平与患儿脓毒血症严重程度存在相关关系,且血糖水平越高,患儿脓毒血症越严重。研究组患儿ICU住院时间、住院期间抗生素持续使用时间、白细胞异常天数、发热持续时间均显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论脓毒血症患儿血糖值水平与其病情严重程度存在密切相关关系,采用胰岛素干预治疗可改善患儿预后。 Objective To investigate the relationship between blood glucose level and the severity of sepsis in children and the impact of insulin intervention on prognosis. Methods Fifty-eight children with sepsis were enrolled in this study. Blood glucose was measured at admission. According to the average blood glucose level, the mean blood glucose level was lower, normal, slightly elevated and moderately elevated. In the mean time, Disability diagnostic criteria for children were divided into ordinary type, severe type and shock type 3, sepsis in children with blood glucose levels and their relationship to the disease were analyzed. At the same time, random number table method was used to divide the average hyperglycemia group into study group and control group randomly. The study group was given insulin intervention and the control group did not use insulin intervention. The prognosis of the two groups was observed. Results The correlation coefficient between the blood glucose level and the severity of sepsis in children was 0.732, and the V value was closer to 1, indicating that there was a correlation between the blood glucose level and the severity of sepsis in children and the higher the blood sugar level, The more severe sepsis. The duration of ICU stay in hospital, the duration of antibiotic use, the number of leukocyte abnormalities and the duration of fever during hospitalization in study group were significantly lower than those in control group (P <0.05). Conclusion There is a close relationship between blood glucose level and severity of sepsis in children with sepsis. Insulin intervention can improve the prognosis of children.
去年10月 ,笔者只身谒访了川西北重镇广元市明月峡中之先秦栈道 ,后又冒着连绵秋雨翻越崇山峻岭 ,背负七八十斤包袱徒步前往陕南汉中市 ,寻访秦汉古道的另一段险道———“褒斜
目的 :探讨图形视诱发电位 (PVEP)在糖尿病视网膜病变 (diabeticretinopathy ,DR)诊断中的意义。方法 :对 2 2例正常人的 44只眼和 43例糖尿病患者的 86只眼 (无DR 40只眼 ,