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近年来,西航公司以技术工人技能鉴定工作为平台,根据各分厂的生产实践和生产技术问题,开展了技师、高级技师技术改进、技术攻关课题项目工作,并对课题项目工作的管理模式进行了探索和实践,制定了有针对性的培训计划,使培训过程做到分层次、分阶段、分方式进行。通过对企业高技能人才培训工作的创新,使培训工作落到实处,切实解决员工工作中的实际问题,提升高端岗工人的技术技能水平,同时解决公司生产实际问题。 In recent years, based on the skill appraisal of skilled workers as a platform, XAC has carried out project work on technical improvement and technical research of technicians and senior technicians according to the production practice and production technology of each branch. The management mode of project work Carried out exploration and practice, formulated targeted training programs, so that the training process at different levels, in stages and in different ways. Through innovations in the training of highly skilled personnel in enterprises, the training can be implemented in a down-to-earth manner. Practical problems in the work of employees can be effectively solved, the technical skills of highly skilled workers can be elevated, and the practical problems of production can be solved.
Aim:To identify a novel isoform of adaptin 2 beta subunit (named Ap2β-NY) and to investigate its relationship withtesticular development and spermatogenesis.M
苏州大学附属第一医院骨科创建于1956年,1986年被批准为博士学位授权点,1987年被确立为江苏省骨科医师培训基地,1994年被列为江苏省首批临床重点专科, First Affiliated Hos
Objective. This trial examined the use of 4-hydroxyphenylretinamide (4-HPR), demonstrated to be a potent inhibitor of carcinogenesis in vitro and in animal mode
马黄酊溶液是我院的自制剂,为临床常规外敷中药酊剂,具有清热燥湿、散结消肿等功效。现将该制剂制备及使用方法报道如下。1制备方法生马钱子40 g、黄连40 g、木鳖子10 g、生