Predictors of the patency of self-expandable metallic stents in malignant gastroduodenal obstruction

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lnclnc
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AIM:To investigate the predictive factors of selfexpandable metallic stent patency after stent placement in patients with inoperable malignant gastroduodenal obstruction. METHODS:A total of 116 patients underwent stent placements for inoperable malignant gastroduodenal obstruction at a tertiary academic center. Clinical success was defined as acceptable decompression of the obstructive lesion within the malignant gastroduodenal neoplasm. We evaluated patient comorbidities and clinical statuses using the World Health Organization’s scoring system and categorized patient responses to chemotherapy using the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors criteria. We analyzed the relationships between possible predictive factors and stent patency. RESULTS:Self-expandable metallic stent placement was technically successful in all patients(100%),and the clinical success rate was 84.2%. In a multivariate Cox proportional hazards model,carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA) levels were correlated with a reduction in stent patency [P = 0.006; adjusted hazard ratio(a HR)= 2.92,95%CI:1.36-6.25]. Palliative chemotherapy was statistically associated with an increase in stent patency(P = 0.009; a HR = 0.27,95%CI:0.10-0.72).CONCLUSION:CEA levels can easily be measured at the time of stent placement and may help clinicians to predict stent patency and determine the appropriate stent procedure. A investigate the predictive factors of selfexpandable metallic stent patency after stent placement in patients with inoperable malignant gastroduodenal obstruction. METHODS: A total of 116 patients underwent stent placement for inoperable malignant gastroduodenal obstruction at a tertiary academic center. Clinical success was defined as acceptable decompression of the obstructive lesion within the malignant gastroduodenal neoplasm. We analyzed the relationships between probabilistic patients using the World Health Organization’s scoring system and categorized patient responses to chemotherapy using the Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors criteria. We analyzed the relationships between possible predictive factors and stent patency. RESULTS: Self-expandable metallic stent placement was technically successful in all patients (100%), and the clinical success rate was 84.2%. In a multivariate Cox proportional hazards model, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels were correlated with a Reduction in stent patency [P = 0.006; adjusted hazard ratio (a HR) = 2.92, 95% CI: 1.36-6.25]. Palliative chemotherapy was statistically associated with an increase in stent patency (P = 0.009; a HR = 0.27, 95 % CI: 0.10-0.72). CONCLUSION: CEA levels can easily be measured at the time of stent placement and may help clinicians to predict stent patency and determine the appropriate stent procedure.
南渠,是我每天上班的必经之路,一开始,我对这光秃秃干巴巴的一条道,实在找不到什么趣味。可是,当我看到老师们带着各自的小分队,在仅有的南渠桥边,桂花、香樟树下,观察绘制桥墩、测量南渠桥长、探究排水出口、研究香樟果实、观赏金桂之美,我才发现,这看似平淡无奇的南渠蕴藏着鲜活的教育资源!  采风小分队在语文教师叶老师的带领下认真观察了石桥、拦水坝与桂花,在实践中从不同角度进行观察,学生获得了不少独特的感受
开学第一天我正上课,突然,学生李志鹏一声不响地跑到教室外面的阳台上,往空桌上一躺呼呼大睡,吓我一跳。我赶紧停下来,走到阳台上轻轻把他哄回来。过了没多久,他又从座位上站起来,径直走到我面前说,我要上厕所。我问,下课怎么没去呢?他说,马上尿裤裆了。我说,那你赶紧去吧!想想不放心,又派了个学生跟去,等两人回到教室方才安心。  上晚自习了,一进教室就发现有一个空座位。一看,是李志鹏的。班长告诉我,他从来都
寒来暑往十五载,转眼间,我们夫妻二人站在三尺讲台已有15个年头。沐浴在书香校园中,教师的专属幸福感愈久愈烈,有滋有味。  钟摆生活却拥有永恒动力。德国哲学家亚瑟·叔本华曾说:“人生就是在痛苦和厌倦之间来回摆动的钟摆”。我们夫妻二人都是教師,每天的行动轨迹都是一样的,几乎是两点一线,在家和学校之间,我们就如同钟摆,穿梭其间。很多人问我们,你们不觉得枯燥吗?我们也问过自己这样的生活不无聊吗?但当喜闻学
我一直认为,优秀的学生自带光芒,无论身处哪里,都会赢得周围人的欣赏。而像我娃这样普通的学生就不一样了,需要老师推他们一把,拉他们一程,让他们走向正轨。苏联教育家马可连柯曾说过:“没有爱,就没有教育。爱是一种伟大的感情,它总在创造奇迹,创造新人,唯有爱,教师才会用伯乐的眼光去发现学生的闪光点。”这种根植于教育的爱就是教育爱。幸运的是,娃从幼儿园开始,就遇上了富有爱心的老师。  幼儿园的罗小玲老师:母
陶行知先生“四颗糖果”的故事,一度让我们热泪盈眶。这个以赏识教育为核心的教育故事,几乎让每一位教师瞬间顿悟——德育原来可以这样轻松,这样美妙,这样感人至深。  义务教育阶段是德育的关键时期,帮助学生“扣好人生第一粒扣子”,是我们每一位教师的首要任务和重大使命。  知识“无毒”,孩子“无罪”。班上一位胖胖的男生,课堂内外不停地吃零食,老师讲课不听,笔记不做。老师走到他身边,问,这些垃圾食品,难道没毒