垦农四号是以九农13号为母本,绥农四号为父本有性杂交育成的,1992年审定推广。该品种高产、抗病、优质、适应性广,且综合性状优良。一般产量2250~3000kg/hm~2,增产 13.01%,蛋白质 41. 25%,脂肪 22.03%,为双高品种,累计推广面积 1, 000, 000hm~2。荣获黑龙江省科技进步二等奖和第二届中国农业博览会银奖,成为黑龙江省主栽品种之一。
Kenong No. 4 is based on nine farmers 13 as the female parent, Suinong 4 as a male sexual hybrid breeding, approved in 1992 to promote. The variety of high yield, disease resistance, high quality, wide adaptability, and good overall traits. The average yield of 2250 ~ 3000kg / hm ~ 2, increase of 13.01%, protein 41. 25%, fat 22.03%, double high variety, accumulative promotion area 1, 000, 000hm ~ 2. Heilongjiang Province won the second prize of scientific and technological progress and the second China Agricultural Expo silver medal, becoming one of the main cultivars in Heilongjiang Province.