重拳出击 除恶务尽——写在兵团深入开展“严打”整治斗争之际

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当前,全党和全国上下正在深入贯彻全国社会治安工作会议精神,一个声势浩大、规模空前的“严打”整治斗争,在全国各地广泛深入持久地开展。这是党中央、国务院根据我国当前社会治安面临的严峻形势作出的重大战略部署,表达了广大人民群众的强烈愿望,代表了人民群众的根本利益。为坚决贯彻落实全国社会治安工作会议精神和江泽民总书记、朱镕基总理的重要讲话精神,4月7日,兵团党委召开了第九次常委(扩大)会议;4月16日,兵团又召开了社会治安工作会议。会议传达学习了全国社会治安工作会议及全国整顿和规范市场经济秩序工作会议精神,并就如何贯彻落实这次会议精神,进行了安排部署。兵团党委书记、政委陈德敏在这两个会议上都作了重要讲话。他强调要从全局性、战略性的高度来学习和领会全国社会治安工作会议精神;要从实践“三个代表”的要求、维护改革发 At present, the entire party and the entire country are thoroughly implementing the spirit of the conference on public order of the entire country. A vigorous and unprecedented “strike hard” rectification struggle has been carried out extensively and in a sustained manner across the country. This is a major strategic arrangement made by the Central Party Committee and the State Council according to the grim situation in the current social order in our country. It expresses the strong desire of the broad masses of people and represents the fundamental interests of the people. In order to resolutely implement the spirit of the conference on public order throughout the country and the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji on April 7, the Corps party committee held the 9th Standing Committee (Enlarged) Meeting. On April 16, the Corps held another society Public security working conference. The meeting convened to learn the work of the National Social Security Work Conference and the national work conference on rectifying and standardizing the market economic order, and arranged arrangements for how to implement the spirit of the meeting. Corps party secretary and political commissar Chen Demin made important speeches at both meetings. He emphasized that it is necessary to learn and understand the spirit of the conference on social security throughout the country from a global and strategic standpoint. We must safeguard the reform and development from the request of practicing the “three representations”
核定一个单位工程质量等级 ,《建筑安装工程质量检验评定统一标准》(GBJ30 0— 88)规定 ,必须从工程的主体各分布工程质量 ,工程技术资料和观感质量三个方面进行综合评定 ,前二
我曾在中国中小学任教20年,虽然现已移居加拿大,但仍然十分关注中国的教育。现在国内很多家庭想让自己的孩子出国 I have taught in primary and secondary schools in Chi
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为寻找控制垸内沟渠开放水网型地区血吸虫病的有效方法,我们于1992—1993年在江陵县资市镇花章村进行了一次性人畜同步化疗控制日本血吸虫病效果的观察.材料和方法1 试区概况