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袁宝华同志是我国企业管理方面的理论家和实践家,长期以来,他以极大的热情,支持和推动了中国企业的改革和开放。1987年6月开始,记者围绕社会主义企业管理的主要问题,采访了宝华同志,根据他的谈话,整理成《袁宝华访谈录》(副题是《中国社会主义企业管理论要》)。本书共有八个部分。第一部分,加强管理是企业发展的基础。主要阐明中国企业管理如何实现现代化,如何做好企业的基础工作,如何建立具有中国特色的社会主义企业管理体系,以及新中国成立以来的企业管理经验。第二部分,技术进步是企业发展的重要手段。具体地介绍了我国企业技术改造的发展历程,如何推进企业的技术改造。第三部分,介绍了我国企业十年改革的经历,提出了搞活企业的基本路子,对企业各种经营形式,都从理论与实践的结合上作了深入地剖析。等四部分,介绍了企业提高经济效益的途径,企业如何从粗放经营转向集约化经营,如何建立科学的企业组织结构和 Comrade Yuan Baohua is a theoretician and practitioner of enterprise management in China. For a long time, he has supported and promoted the reform and opening up of Chinese enterprises with great enthusiasm. In June 1987, the reporter focused on the major issues of socialist enterprise management and interviewed Comrade Bao Hua. According to his speech, he compiled an interview with Yuan Baohua (subtitled “Theories of Chinese Socialist Enterprise Management”). There are eight sections in this book. In the first part, strengthening management is the foundation for business development. It mainly explains how to achieve modernization of Chinese business management, how to do well the basic work of the enterprise, how to establish a socialist enterprise management system with Chinese characteristics, and the experience of corporate management since the founding of New China. In the second part, technological progress is an important means of enterprise development. Specifically introduced the development process of China’s corporate technological transformation, how to promote the technological transformation of enterprises. The third part introduces the experiences of China’s enterprises in the ten years of reform, and puts forward the basic way to invigorate the enterprise. It analyzes various forms of business operations from the combination of theory and practice. In four parts, the company introduced ways to improve economic efficiency, how companies shifted from extensive operations to intensive operations, and how to establish a scientific corporate organizational structure and
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