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近年来,随着国家对教育、科学、文化的重视相应的投入力度也不断加大,推动了学术界一派繁荣的景象。各领域学术活动空前活跃,研究成果突飞猛进,但另一方面,我国的社会体制正处于由计划型向市场型转变的关键时期,在这个过渡期各行各业也沉积了一些腐败流弊,这些在学术界也有浸染和腐蚀。高校有硬性的学术评价指标,所以本着不同目的步入学术领域的学人,自然有很多学术积弊或不良学术行为产生,导致一系列学术纠纷甚至学术丑闻出现,浸污学术界碧空净池。学者的学术失范行为严重阻碍了中国学术事业的进步,部分学术成果的科学性和研究价值令人质疑。为规范学术活动,提高学术研究的价值,有学者疾呼个别学术研究者不能不讲究学术方法,不能无视学术道德,所以学术活动亟待规范化,方法有待提高,这样学术活动才能朝着一个良性的方向发展。 In recent years, with the increasing input of the state in emphasis on education, science and culture, the prosperity of the academic community has been promoted. Academic activities in various fields have been unprecedentedly active and research results have progressed by leaps and bounds. On the other hand, the social system in our country is now at a critical period of transition from a planned to a market-oriented model. In this transitional period, various trades and industries have also deposited some corruption abuses. The world also has disseminated and corroded. Universities have rigid academic evaluation indicators. Therefore, those who enter the academic field for different purposes naturally have many academic bad habits or bad academic behaviors. As a result, a series of academic disputes and even academic scandals have appeared, soaking the blue sky in the academic world. Scholars’ academic omission has seriously hindered the progress of academic work in China. The scientificity and research value of some academic achievements are questioning. In order to standardize academic activities and enhance the value of academic research, some scholars have called for individual academic researchers to pay attention to academic methods and can not ignore academic morals, so academic activities need to be standardized and methods need to be improved so that academic activities can move in a positive direction development of.
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