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采用生物信息学方法,对葡萄(Vitis vinifera) BZR (brassinazole resistant)转录因子家族成员基因结构、进化特征及表达模式进行系统分析,为解析该基因家族功能提供参考.结果 表明,从葡萄基因组中共鉴定出6个BZR基因,命名为VvBZR1-1~VvBZR1-6.进化发育分析将葡萄BZR基因划分为3组,同在一个进化分类的成员其基因结构相似.顺式作用元件分析发现葡萄BZR基因上游启动子序列包含许多与激素和逆境响应相关的调控元件,说明葡萄BZR基因可能参与激素和逆境信号的调控过程.组织特异性表达分析显示,大多数BZR基因在种子、卷须、根中表达量较高.低温、高温、水分胁迫下葡萄B狱基因表达谱分析结果表明,BZR家族基因在非生物胁迫处理下受到不同程度诱导,其中VvBZR1-3响应3种胁迫处理,而VvBZR1-4、VvBZR1-6分别在水分胁迫、高温胁迫下高表达.这些结果表明BZR基因在葡萄响应非生物胁迫中起重要作用.
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Previous phylogenetic analyses found that the largest genus in the tribe Campanuleae,Campanula L.is polyphyletic.The genus is extremely intermingled,involving more than 50 genera,but no generic reappraisal has been attempted.For undertaking further phylog
Changes in holocentric chromosome number due to fission and fusion have direct and immediate effects on genome structure and recombination rates.These,in turn,may influence ecology and evolutionary trajectories profoundly.Sedges of the genus Carex(Cyperac
土壤盐渍化已成为严峻的世界性问题,严重威胁着农业生产和生态安全。以西伯利亚白刺(Nitraria sibirica)为试材,采用营养液无土栽培方式,研究了外源CaCl_2对盐胁迫下西伯利亚白刺幼苗叶片活性氧(ROS)代谢、抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽(AsA-GSH)循环的影响。结果表明:盐胁迫显著提高了西伯利亚白刺叶片中超氧阴离子(O_2ˉ·)产生速率、过氧化氢(H_2O_2)含量以及抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(
紫外光B (UV-B)是太阳光的固有组成部分,对植物生长发育和环境适应有重要影响。UVR8是目前唯一确定的介导UV-B感知和信号转导的UV-B受体。UV-B诱导植物细胞质中UVR8发生单体化和核积聚,通过影响下游转录因子活性激活UV-B信号通路,调控植物生长发育及环境适应。本文全面介绍了UVR8被确定为UV-B受体以来,人们对UVR8蛋白结构、信号转导和生理功能等方面的最新研究进展,并对这一领域的
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Floral orientation has been suggested to be a functional floral trait that can enhance reproductive fitness through adaptation to both biotic factors (e.g.,pollination) and abiotic factors (e.g.,temperature).However,whether those factors drive the diversi
Plants play important roles as habitat and food for a tremendous diversity of specialist animals and fungi.The disappearance of any plant species can lead to extinction cascades of its associated biota.In consequence,documenting the diversity and specific