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今年以来,根据江主席关于“讲政治”的指示和党中央、中央军委关于加强人武部建设的指示,乐山军分区在深入调查研究的基础上,从全区人武干部政治理论功底不够深厚的实际出发,全面加强政治理论学习。他们首先制定了人武部党委中心组政治理论学习计划,并在全委扩大会议上作出具体部署,从分区到人武部都明确了以党委书记为第一责任人的理沦学习领导责任制。为保证理论学习落到实处,全区还拿出3万元,购买各种理论书刊、辅导教材、录音讲座和录像教学器材等。其次是分区党委就人武部班子的理论学习问题,确定每季度进行一次考核评比,并纳入年终先进人武部和先进人武干部的评比范围。再次是举办了一系列理论学习活动。今年上半年和下半年。分别召开了一次人武部党 Since the beginning of this year, on the basis of Chairman Jiang’s instructions on “speaking politics” and the instructions of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission on strengthening the construction of the People’s Armed Police Department, based on the thorough investigation and study, Leshan Military Subdistrict has learned from the inadequacies in the political theory of the cadres in the region Departure from actual conditions and comprehensively strengthen the study of political theory. They first formulated the study plan on political theory of the Central Committee of the People’s Armed Forces Central Committee and made a concrete plan for the expansion of the entire committee. From the sub-district to the Armed Forces, they clearly defined the responsibility system for studying leadership by taking the party secretary as the first responsible person. In order to ensure that the theoretical study was implemented, the region also took out 30,000 yuan to purchase various theoretical books and periodicals, tutorial materials, recording lectures and video teaching equipment. Followed by the district party committee on the issue of theoretical study of the armed forces team to determine a quarterly assessment examination and evaluation, and into the year-end advanced armed forces and advanced cadres of the appraisal range. Once again held a series of theoretical learning activities. The first half of this year and second half. Respectively held a military armed forces party
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