Relationship between the GH-IGFs axis and the proliferation of bile duct cancer cell line QBC939 in

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuang810
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BACKGROUND: In recent years, recombined human growth hormone (rhGH) has been increasingly used in patients to help them recover from operation. But GH, as a mitogen, can promote cell renewal and increase malignant transformation. In the current study, we assessed the proliferation of a bile duct cancer cell line (QBC939) in vitro with GH and explored the possible relationship with the axis of GH-IGFs (insulin-like growth factors). METHODS: QBC939 cells in the exponential growth stage were harvested and divided into an experimental group (GH group) and a control group (NS group). The GH group was divided into four sub-groups according to the dose of GH and culture time (50 μg/L for 2 hours, 50 μg/L for 24 hours, 100 μg/L for 2 hours, 100 μg/L for 24 hours). The NS group was divided into two sub-groups (NS for 2 hours and NS for 24 hours). After 2 or 24 hours IGF-1 and IGF-2 were detected using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The QBC939 cells cultured for 24 hours with two GH concentrations were made into single cell suspensions and samples underwent subsequent cell cycle evaluation. Messenger RNA of IGF-1 and IGF-2 receptor (IGF-1RmRNA and IGF-2RmRNA) were tested with the method of in situ hybridization. RESULTS: There was no statistically significant difference between the GH and NS groups after 2 hours of culture (P>0.05). But after 24 hours of culture, GH stimulated cell growth in vitro and also elevated the percentage in S phase and the proliferation index (P<0.05). IGF-1RmRNA and IGF-2RmRNA were expressed in QBC939 in contrast to theblank group. The expression of IGF-1RmRNA increased with the dose of GH, but IGF-2RmRNA did not. CONCLUSION: GH can stimulate QBC939 cell growth and proliferation in vitro and the mechanism is most likely by the GH-IGF-1-IGF-1R axis. BACKGROUND: In recent years, recombined human growth hormone (rhGH) has been increasingly used in patients to help them recover from operation. But GH, as a mitogen, can promote cell renewal and increase malignant transformation. In the current study, we evaluated the proliferation of a bile duct cancer cell line (QBC939) in vitro with GH and explored the possible relationship with the axis of GH-IGFs (insulin-like growth factors). METHODS: QBC939 cells in the exponential growth stage were harvested and divided into an (GH group) and a control group (NS group). The GH group was divided into four sub-groups according to the dose of GH and culture time (50 μg / L for 2 hours, 50 μg / L for 24 hours , 100 μg / L for 2 hours, 100 μg / L for 24 hours). The NS group was divided into two sub-groups (NS for 2 hours and NS for 24 hours). After 2 or 24 hours IGF-1 and IGF -2 were detected using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The QBC939 cells cultured for 24 hours with two GH concentrations were made into single cell suspensions and samples underwent subsequent cell cycle evaluation. Messenger RNA of IGF-1 and IGF-2 receptor (with IGF-1R mRNA and IGF-2R mRNA) were tested with the method of in situ hybridization. statistically significant difference between the GH and NS groups after 2 hours of culture (P> 0.05). But after 24 hours of culture, GH stimulated cell growth in vitro and also the percentage in S phase and the proliferation index (P <0.05) . IGF-1RmRNA and IGF-2RmRNA were expressed in QBC939 in contrast to theblank group The expression of IGF-1RmRNA increased with the dose of GH, but IGF-2RmRNA did not CONCLUSION:.. GH can stimulate QBC939 cell growth and proliferation in vitro and the mechanism is most likely by the GH-IGF-1-IGF-1 R axis.
《千钧。一发》天津电影制片厂、龙江电影制片厂联合摄制编剧:兰景林导演:高群书主要演员:马国伟、潘兴谊 “Kwan. A hair ”Tianjin Film Studio, Longjiang film studio J
萧劲光,60年戎马生涯,30年海军司令,身经百战,可谓是职业军人。以枪炮轰鸣、军号、汽笛为音符的军事乐章,是他人生的主旋律,但这绝不是他生活的全部。现实生活中的萧劲光,慈祥、宽厚,精通音律、诗画,多才多艺。    精通音律:在战火纷飞的行军间隙,用委婉的洞箫为官兵消除疲劳,鼓舞士气    萧劲光多才多艺。大革命时期,他曾与刘少奇等同台演过话剧。长征途中,他在战火纷飞的行军间隙用委婉的洞箫为官兵们消