快乐收藏理性投资 眼光心态与财力缺一不可

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除了古玩市场、古董店、典当行以及拍卖场之外,艺术品的收藏渠道还包括与藏友互通有无、网上拍卖、通过专门媒体买卖等。不论通过什么渠道、采取什么策略,万变不离其宗,收藏所需的眼光、心态与财力均缺一不可。收藏如果可以作为一种理财方式的话,它既不是一种纯粹的投资,也不应成为全民化的行动。热潮,缘于物质精神双管齐下央视《艺术品鉴宝》栏目收视率的节节攀升,从侧面反映了国内现在兴起的收藏热。有些人认为是一种虚热,理由是艺术品的天价与大众的收入太不成比例,有泡沫之嫌。其实,作为文化与文明的载体和证明,艺术 In addition to the antiques market, antique shops, pawn shops and auction houses, the channels for the collection of works of art also include the exchange of possession with Tibetans, online auctions and trading through specialized media. No matter what channels, what strategies to adopt, remain unchanged, the vision needed for collection, mentality and financial resources are indispensable. If it can be used as a financial management, it is neither a pure investment nor an act of universal citizenship. Craze, due to material and spiritual two-pronged CCTV “Art Kam Po” column ratings steadily, from the side reflects the rise of the domestic collection of heat now. Some people think that it is a hypocrisy on the grounds that the sky-high price of works of art is too disproportionate to the public’s income and that there is a bubble of suspicion. In fact, as a carrier and proof of culture and civilization, art