,A novel gradient climbing control for seeking the best communication point for data collection from

来源 :信息与电子工程前沿(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nankaizhizhuan
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A novel controller for finding the best communication point is proposed for collecting data from a seabed platform by a single unmanned surface vehicle (USV) using underwater acoustic communication (UAC). As far as we know, extremum seeking based on climbing control is usually implemented by multiple vehicles or agents because of the large range of measurement and easy acquisition of gradient estimation. A single vehicle cannot rapidly estimate the field because of the limited extent for meas-urement; therefore, it is difficult for a single vehicle to seek the extremum point in a field. In this study, an oscillation motion (OM) is designed for a single USV to acquire UAC’s link strength data between the seabed platform and the USV. The field for UAC’s link strength is updated using new measurement from an OM of the USV based on a multi-variable weight linear iteration method. A controller for seeking the best UAC’s point of the USV is designed using gradient climbing and artificial potential considering iterative estimation of an unknown field and an OM operation, and the stability is proved. The reliability and efficiency are shown in simulation results.
试验设渗水地膜覆盖、普通地膜覆盖和露地三个处理,采用拉丁方设计,研究了渗水地膜覆盖的生态效应、生物学效应、生理效应和产量效应,结果表明: 1.渗水地膜覆盖具有显著的渗水、保水和提墒作用,各时期渗水地膜覆盖的水分状况优于普通地膜覆盖和露地,提高了旱地高粱自然降水利用率;在高粱生长前期,渗水地膜覆盖的增温、保温效果优于普通地膜覆盖,在生长中、后期地温略低于露地,具一定的缓温效应;渗水地膜覆盖加速了有效
A dynamic quantitative theory and measurement of power or dominance structures are proposed.Such power structures are represented as directed networks.A graph s
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Making rational decisions for sequential decision problems in complex environments has been challenging researchers in various fields for decades. Such problems
通过在半干旱典型地区-定西县李家堡镇进行的春小麦生育期保护性耕作试验,对6种处理的不同生育期土壤含水量变化、不同生育期土壤贮水量变化、土壤水分在时间和空间上的变化小麦在不同生育期的耗水特征及耗水量、土壤水分利用效率等的研究,结果表明: 1、土壤有效水的上限是DUL,下限是CLL,其中间区域即为PAWC。CLL则克服了PWP的弊端,它的曲线就是一条随土层深度增加自上而下依次增加,曲线下方的区域