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西咸新区是全国首个以“创新城市发展方式”为主题的国家级新区,它的成立是区域一体化发展的新范式,也是连接西安—咸阳这两所城市在各方面的互动和合作,连为一体的重要举措,国务院也赋予其重大的战略任务:丝绸之路经济带重要支点、我国向西开放重要枢纽、西部大开发新引擎、中国特色新型城镇化范例。在西咸新区确立的“五龙舞西咸”为基础的统分结合管理体制中,沣东新城肩负着建设大西安、带动大关中、引领大西北的重要使命。而体育产业作为服务经济中越来越重要的一个部分,它是推动国民经济增长的重要力量,也是调节产业结构、应对经济全球化、增强国家竞争力的有效手段,因此在西咸新区的建设和发展中,沣东新城体育产业的快速发展和科学规划也会起到极大的促进作用。本文首先分析了当前西咸新区体育发展现状,然后分析其发展优势,重点分析了沣东新城在支撑西咸新区体育产业结构中的作用和优势,最后提出加强西咸新区沣东新城体育产业建设和发展的对策及建议。 Xixian New District is the first state-level new area in China with the theme of “Innovative City Development Mode”. Its establishment is a new paradigm of regional integration development and an interaction between Xi’an and Xianyang in all aspects. Cooperation and integration as one important measure. The State Council has also given its major strategic tasks: an important fulcrum of the Silk Road Economic Belt; an important hub for opening up our country to the west; a new engine for the development of the western region; and a new example of urbanization with Chinese characteristics. In the united management system based on “Wulong Dance Xi Xian” established in Xixian New District, Qiongdong New City is entrusted with the important mission of building Greater Xi’an and leading the Great Pass and leading the Greater Northwest China. As an increasingly important part of the service economy, the sports industry is an important force for promoting the growth of the national economy. It is also an effective measure to adjust the industrial structure, cope with economic globalization and enhance national competitiveness. Therefore, in the construction of the West Xian New Area In the course of development, the rapid development and scientific planning of the sports industry in Qiaodong New City will also play a significant role in promoting. This paper first analyzes the present situation of sports development in Xixin New District and then analyzes its advantages in development. It mainly analyzes the functions and advantages of Jindong New City in supporting the sports industry structure in Xixian New District. Finally, it puts forward to strengthening the construction of sports industry in Xindong New City And the development of countermeasures and suggestions.