患者,男,69岁,因咳嗽、咯痰伴右侧胸痛1月余,于1986年6月2日入院。查体,血压18.7/12.0kPa(140/90mmHg),脉搏90次,呼吸困难不能平卧,浅表淋巴结未触及,胸廓对称,双肺未闻及干湿啰音,心界不大,心律齐,各瓣膜听诊区音纯无杂音,A_2>P_2,肝脾肋下未触及。窦性心律,正常心电图。住院后经胸部断层拍片和痰细胞学检查,临床诊断为“右肺中心型腺癌伴纵隔淋巴结转移”。6月19日开始放疗,随着放疗次数的增加,患者胸痛、咳嗽和呼吸困难等症状逐渐缓解。纵隔肺门的放疗吸收剂量为66,96Gy(6696 rad),病人放疗中无心前区疼痛及不
The patient, male, 69 years old, was admitted to hospital on June 2, 1986 due to cough and expectoration with right chest pain for more than one month. Physical examination, blood pressure 18.7/12.0kPa (140/90mmHg), pulse 90 times, difficulty in breathing can not lie supine, no contact with superficial lymph nodes, symmetrical thoracic, undisturbed lungs and sounds in both lungs, little heart, and heart rhythm The auscultation area of each valve was pure and noiseless, A_2>P_2, liver and spleen did not touch the ribs. Sinus rhythm, normal electrocardiogram. After hospitalization, chest pain film and sputum cytology were used, and the clinical diagnosis was “right lung central adenocarcinoma with mediastinal lymph node metastasis.” Radiotherapy began on June 19. With the increase in the number of radiotherapy, symptoms such as chest pain, cough, and dyspnea gradually eased. The radiotherapy mediastinal hilar absorption dose was 66,96 Gy (6,696 rad). There was no precordial pain in the patient during radiotherapy and no