Noble gas isotopes in natural gases from Central and Northwest China

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingwuming2009
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As chemically inert elements,the variations of noble gas abundance and isotope during geologi-cal processes are not significantly affected by complex chemical process but mainly depend onthe control of physical processes such as solution,absorption,adsorption and nuclear reac-tions.Therefore,studies on noble gas geochemistry will play an important role in the geologi-cal processes such as genesis of natural gas.For this purpose,this study has measured 4 CH_4-rich natural gases in sedimentary basins from Central and Southwest China for all noble gas As chemically inert elements, the variations of noble gas abundance and isotope during geologi-cal processes are not significantly affected by complex chemical process but mainly depend on the control of physical processes such as solution, absorption, adsorption and nuclear reac-tions. Beforefore, studies on noble gas geochemistry will play an important role in the geologi-cal processes such as genesis of natural gas. For this purpose, this study has measured 4 CH_4-rich natural gases in sedimentary basins from Central and Southwest China for all noble gas
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