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国务院总理温家宝6月8日签署379号国务院令,公布《物业管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),经国务院第九次常务会议通过的《条例》,共7章70条,自2003年9月1日起施行。《条例》颁布并即将施行,是我国物业管理行业发展史上一件具有里程碑意义的大事,这标志着我国拥有2万多家物业管理企业、230多万从业人员、覆盖了数十亿平方米的物业管理行业进入了一个法制化、规范化的新时期。建设部日前发出通知,要求各地充分认识《条例》颁布实施的重要意义,认真做好《条例》的宣传、贯彻工作,加快制定、完善与《条例》配套的部门规章、规范性文件和地方法规,规范物业管理行为,推动物业管理的健康发展。目前,建设部正在抓紧制定与《条例》配套的有关文件。其中《物业管理业主大会规则》、《物业管理招标投标管理暂行办法》等已起草完毕并即将颁布,《住房维修资金管理办法》、《物业管理企业资质管理办法》正在起草过程中。 Premier Wen Jiabao signed Order 379 of the State Council on June 8, promulgating the “Property Management Regulations” (the “Regulations”) and the “Regulations” passed by the Ninth Standing Meeting of the State Council. There are 7 chapters and 70 articles in total. Since 2003, 9 March 1 will come into force. The promulgation and implementation of the “Regulations” is a landmark event in the history of the property management industry in our country. This indicates that our country has more than 20,000 property management companies and over 2.3 million employees, covering billions of square meters The property management industry has entered a new period of legalization and standardization. The Ministry of Construction recently issued a circular calling on all localities to fully understand the importance of the promulgation and implementation of the Regulations and conscientiously do a good job of propaganda and implementation of the Regulations and to speed up the formulation and improvement of departmental rules and normative documents and local laws and regulations , Standardize the property management practices, and promote the healthy development of property management. At present, the Ministry of Construction is working hard to formulate the relevant documents supporting the “Regulations”. Among them, Rules for Property Management Owners Conference and Interim Measures for Bid Management of Property Management have been drafted and are about to be promulgated. Measures for the Administration of Funds for Housing Maintenance and Measures for the Administration of Qualifications of Property Management Enterprises are being drafted.
一句玩笑话,逼出四部书”。这句话如今成为樟树市一大美谈。   2000年3月,有人对樟树市政协委员、市教委干部陈怀生说:“你平时手不离卷,又写这又写那,能不能也写本书让我们饱饱眼福。”他随口回答:“莫说一本,三本也有可能。”   “大话”说过之后,陈怀生开始不安起来。心想,平时总是要求自己要脚踏实地,诚信为先,如今却在同事面前夸下海口,倘若不兑现,会留下一辈子的笑柄。   陈怀生是个自尊心极强的人
“桃花源”中的心神不宁李宗耀,五十年代中国国家女子篮球集训队队员,后连续出任广东省女篮、陕西省女篮教练及陕西省少年体校的篮球教练。 “Peach Blossom Heart ” in d