Absorption and Accumulation of Heavy Metal from Soil by Leaves of Populus x euramericana cv.‘Neva’Pl

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The absorption and enrichment of heavy metal elements by leaves of Populus×euramericana cv.’Neva’ were analyzed through content assessing of heavy metal elements in soils of three forest lands at Fangshan District in the southern suburb of Beijing. These forest lands with P.×euramericana cv. ’Neva’plantation were around with the various sources of pollution such as cement mill,stone mill, sewage and garbage.Some of heavy metal elements such as Cd,Pb,Cu,and Zn were found in the soil samples and leaves of P.×euramericana cv.’Neva’ grown on the three forest lands which were investigated.The results of investigation showed that the soils of three forest lands were polluted with Pb, Cd,Cu and Zn in varying degrees.The contents of Pb,Cu and Zn in soils were significantly different among the three forest lands,whereas the average content of Cd(0.077 6 mg·kg~(-1)) was less but that of Pb,Cu,and Zn(37.61,26.25 and 90.3 mg·kg~(-1) ) were more than the average background value of Beijing.The contents of Pb,Cd,Cu and Zn in leaves of P.×euramericana cv.’Neva’ were different among three forestlands.With the changes of heavy metal contents in soil samples,there was no regularity on the changes of different heavy metal contents in leaves of P.×euramericana cv.’Neva’ grown on different forest land.P.×euramericana cv.’Neva’ can absorb and accumulate Pb,Cd,Cu and Zn in soil but showed different capacities of absorption and accumulation with the order of Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb.Especially,its absorption and accumulation capacity for Cd was strong with maximum enrichment factor higher than 16 and showed high accumulation on low background,whereas its enrichment capacities for Pb and Cu were relatively poorer with average enrichment factor of less than 1.At different forest lands,there existed great difference on absorption capacity of P.×euramericana cv.’Neva’ with the same heavy metal. The absorption and enrichment of heavy metal elements by leaves of Populus × euramericana cv.’Neva ’were analyzed through content assessing of heavy metal elements in soils of three forest lands at Fangshan District in the southern suburb of Beijing. These forest lands with P. × euramericana cv. ’Neva’ plantation were around with the various sources of pollution such as cement mill, stone mill, sewage and garbage. Metal of heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn were found in the soil samples and leaves of P. × euramericana cv.’Neva ’grown on the three forest lands which were investigated. The results of investigation showed that the soils of three forest lands were polluted with Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in varying degrees. The contents of Pb, Cu and Zn in soils were significantly different among the three forest lands, while the average content of Cd (0.077 6 mg · kg -1) was less but that of Pb, Cu, and Zn (37.61, 26.25 and 90.3 mg · kg -1) were more than the average background value of Beijing.The contents of Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in leaves of P. × euramericana cv. ’Neva’ were different among three forestlands .With the changes of heavy metal contents in soil samples, there was no regularity on the changes of different heavy metal contents in leaves of P. × euramericana cv.’Neva ’grown on different forest land. P. × euramericana cv.’Neva’ can absorb and accumulate Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in soil but showed different capacities of absorption and accumulation with the order of Cd> Zn> Cu> Pb.Especially, its absorption and accumulation capacity for cad was strong with maximum enrichment factor higher than 16 and showed high accumulation on low background, and its enrichment capacity for Pb and Cu were relatively poorer with average enrichment factor of less than 1.A different forest lands, there was great difference on absorption capacity of P. × euramericana cv.’Neva ’with the same heavy metal.
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