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贵刊1996年第四期刊登的王美玲女士的文章《AS 用作关系代词》,渎后获益匪浅。但对其中两点有必要补充和纠正。一、《AS 用作关系代词》一文写道“比较 as 和 such 搭配时,as 是关系代词,引导定语从句;that 与 such 搭配时,that 是从属连词,引导状语从句一般表示结果。”但是在 such...that 这一结构中,that 也可以用作关系代词。如:在袁懋梓编著的《大学英语语法》第49页写道:“that 还可以与 the same 或 such 连用在定语从句中作主语或宾语,如:This is the same hat that I was wearing a year ago.这就是一年前我戴的那顶帽子。He turned his attention to such pleasures that could be obtained inhis work.他把注意力转向了在他的工作中所能得到 Your article published in the fourth issue of 1996 Ms. Wang Meiling article ”AS as a relational pronoun“ after profiteering. However, it is necessary to supplement and correct two of these points. A, ”AS as a relational pronoun“ wrote ”When comparing as and such, as is a relational pronoun that guides attributive clauses; that with such collocations, that is a subordinate conjunctive, leading adverbial clause generally means the result.“ ” But in such structures as that, that can also be used as a predicate. For example, in Yuan Changzi’s “College English Grammar,” p. 49, it states: "That can also be used with the same or such as a subject or object in an attributive clause, such as: This is the same hat that I was wearing a year He turned his attention to such pleasures that could be obtained in this work. He turned his attention to what he could get in his work
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