The Sequence Architecture of Volcanic Basin Fillings-An Example From Xujiaweizi Faulted Depression

来源 :Journal of Geoscientific Research in Northeast Asia | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangshun1025
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The basin filling geometric pattern of volcanic eruptive rocks depends on both of the eruptive locations in a basin and structural styles of fault terraces. It is divided into three types by eruptive locations and occurrences of eruptive rocks, including the pattern of eruption along fault and occurrence (PEAFO), the pattern of eruption on footwall of a fault and occurrence (PEOFO) and the pattern of eruption on hangingwall of fault and occurrence (PEOHO) in Xujiaweizi fault depression of Songliao basin, Northeast of China. Those basin filling patterns of volcanic eruptive rocks are of specific geometric characteristics controlling or affecting sedimentation, geometry of sedimentary body and sequence architecture during a sequence evolution. The study shows that the volcanic rocks developed at different stages of lowstand, transgressive and highstand can give different controls or affects on the sequence architecture. The basin filling geometric pattern of volcanic eruptive rocks depends on both of the eruptive locations in a basin and structural styles of fault terraces. It is divided into three types by eruptive locations and occurrences of eruptive rocks, including the pattern of eruption along fault and occurrence (PEAFO), the pattern of eruption on footwall of a fault and occurrence (PEOFO) and the pattern of eruption on hangingwall of fault and occurrence (PEOHO) in Xujiaweizi fault depression of Songliao basin, Northeast of China. Those basin filling patterns of volcanic eruptive rocks are of specific geometric characteristics controlling or affecting sedimentation, geometry of sedimentary body and sequence architecture during a sequence evolution. The study shows that the volcanic rocks developed at different stages of lowstand, transgressive and highstand can give different controls or affects on the sequence architecture.
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