Blind channel identication of nonlinear folding mixing model

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:elong_ctu
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Signals from multi-sensor systems are often mixtures of (statistically) independent sources by unknown mixing method. Blind source separation(BSS) and independent component analysis(ICA) are the methods to identify/recover the channels and the sources. BSS/ICA of nonlinear mixing models are difficult problems. For instance, the post-nonlinear model has been studied by several authors. It is noticed that in most cases, the proposed models are always with an invertible mixing. According to this fact there is an interesting question: how about the situation of the non-invertible non-linear mixing in BSS or ICA A new simple non-linear mixing model is proposed with a kind of non-invertible mixing, the folding mixing, and method to identify its channel, blindly. Signals from multi-sensor systems are often mixtures of (statistically) independent sources by unknown mixing method. Blind source separation (BSS) and independent component analysis (ICA) are the methods to identify / recover the channels and the sources. BSS / ICA of For instance, the post-nonlinear model has been studied by several authors. It is noticed that in most cases, the proposed models are always with an invertible mixing. According to this fact there is an interesting question: how about the situation of the non-invertible non-linear mixing in BSS or ICA A new simple non-linear mixing model is proposed with a kind of non-invertible mixing, the folding mixing, and method to identify its channel, blindly.
一、母种制法 1、配制母种培养基 最常用的是PDA斜面培养基,又称马铃薯葡萄糖培养基,配制方法是:取无病害马铃薯(土豆),洗净去皮,切成薄片,称取200克,加水1000毫升煮沸,直至
无论是在粤菜飘香的广州,还是在蜀味十足的成都,不论是九省通衢的武汉,还是在皇城根下的北京,一壶或浓酽或清香的好茶,总是让人心旷神怡,乐此不疲。  有“茶都”美称的杭州,茶更是市民生活中必不可少的一部分。杭州人不但希望好茶,还讲究茶道,在休闲的日子里,喝茶人看着茶博士们那让人眼花缭乱的茶道表演,时间过得也就像匆匆而过的流水,惬意极了。现在,杭州的茶博士们心中更有了一分荣耀:因为有位叫李刚的茶艺表演者