
来源 :泉州师范学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ioljok1988
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主持人的话:根据泉州市统计局的统计分析,2016年上半年与一季度相比,泉州市经济考核的11个重要指标中有7个指标增速提高。虽然大部分主要经济指标呈现平稳回升态势,但经济运行依然面临诸多问题,值得深入研究。本期刊发的4篇文章,分别论及泉州制造业核心能力、中小制造业企业升级、电子商务发展路径以及“金改”试点金融效率评价等问题,值得一读。《泉州制造业核心能力及其升级策略研究》一文认为,制造业转型升级本质在于提升产业比较优势和领先优势,而保 Moderator: According to statistical analysis Quanzhou Bureau of Statistics, first half of 2016 compared with the first quarter, Quanzhou economic assessment of the 11 important indicators of the seven indicators increased growth rate. Although most of the major economic indicators show a steady upward trend, economic operations still face many problems and deserve further study. The four articles published in this issue are worth reading about such issues as the core competence of manufacturing industry in Quanzhou, the upgrading of small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises, the path of e-commerce development and the evaluation of the financial efficiency of pilot projects such as “reform”. “Quanzhou manufacturing core competence and its upgrading strategy” one article that the essence of manufacturing transformation and upgrading industry is to enhance the comparative advantages and leading edge, and Paul