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陈景俊,现任湘鄂情餐饮投资管理有限公司行政总厨,中国烹饪大师,法国国际厨皇会金牌会员,国际美食评委,广东名厨联谊会会员,环球名厨联谊会会员,2005年他获得全国十佳金勺奖和十佳粤港澳名厨金奖,2006年荣获中国粤菜创新美食大使和法国国际厨皇会烹饪艺术大使的称号、以及法国蓝带美食会蓝带勋章。从厨20余年来,陈景俊不断的学习和总结粤菜的制作规范和流程,潜心钻研粤菜的传统风味和做法,在秉承老一代粤菜制作的基础上,不断探索和创新。他认为,推陈出新,才能跟上时代的步伐,才能更符合时下现代人的就餐标准。在厨房的管理中,他充分利用网络和现代化传输工具,管理和规划遍布在北京、上海、深圳、成都、武汉、长沙等十余家分店的出品策划和调整方案。在菜式创新的同时,为了提高厨房整体工作效率和使厨房的管理体系不断的完善并稳定向前发展,虽然陈景俊是厨师,但其对酒店的管理以及楼面的服务无不精通。陈景俊谈到:“能做菜仅能代表厨师的技能,只有把厨艺和市场有机的结合起来,才能使企业持续的经营,稳中求胜,作为现代厨师要一手挥勺,一手抓住消费群体,为消费者烹制可口的佳肴,正所谓量体裁衣。” Chen Jingjun is the Executive Chef of Hunan, Hubei cuisine Investment Management Co., Ltd., the master of Chinese cooking, the gold medalist of French International Kung Fu, the international food judge, the member of Guangdong Celebrity Fellowship and the member of Global Celebrity Fellowship. In 2005, Gold Spoon Award and the Top Ten Gold Awards from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Celebrities. In 2006, he was awarded the title of “Creative Food Ambassador of Cantonese Cuisine” and “Culinary Arts Ambassador of France”. After more than 20 years in the kitchen, Chen Jingjun constantly studied and summarized the production norms and procedures of Cantonese cuisine. He devoted himself to studying the traditional flavor and practices of Cantonese cuisine and continued to explore and innovate on the basis of the production of the old Cantonese cuisine. He believes that innovation, in order to keep up with the pace of the times, in order to be more in line with modern people’s dining standards. In the management of the kitchen, he made full use of the internet and modern transmission tools to manage and plan production planning and adjustment programs in more than ten branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Wuhan and Changsha. While innovating dishes, in order to improve the overall work efficiency of the kitchen and make the management system of the kitchen constantly improve and develop steadily, although Chen Jingjun is a chef, he is well versed in hotel management and floor services. Chen Jingjun said: “cooking can only represent the skills of the chef, only the combination of cooking and the market together, in order to enable enterprises to continue operating, winning steadily, as a modern chef to one o’clock, one hand to seize the consumer Groups, cooking delicious food for consumers, is the so-called tailor-made. ”
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